Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Disarm: The Radicalization and Extremism of the American Federal Government

 To End All Wars


Heather Sawaya




Profits corrrelated with person of interest

lewinsky production companies:  2.8 billion dollars.Connie and Kevin,  Season 15, lazy bones, etc.

puerto music llc:  1.56 billion

tears, halestorm,

kdashio cosmetics: 1.9 billion

itsives, fireworks,

various illicit range from 10 to 21 billion annual.

resources  spent on acquisition: 4 million annual.

“Okay, gang,” said the cutesy-voiced woman who always wore too much blush, “to wrap up the session today, we’re going to go around the group and share your week’s worth of dreams I asked you to jot down.  Let’s start with Dewey .”

A heavy-set man in his sixties with wiry, unkempt hair stood up quickly, dabbing his head with a handkerchief laughing nervously.  “Another satellite dream,” he glanced at the woman briefly.  She nodded encouragingly.  “I wrote it down,” he cleared his throat.  “As most of you know, I used to be a physicist, then…” he waved his hand in the air, “all of this…anyway…the dream.  I was in the same war as all the other dreams and the objective was always to disassemble or destroy the source, which were the satellites.  I was the one they chose to figure it out.  So I came up with a plan, and I knew it would work; finally, we’d be done with all this shit.  So I presented to the guys who were going to kill the machines.  All of a sudden, they started calling me a terrorist, saying I was conspiring against them.


perp had access to p.o.i.... gender rd.  Radio city road.  #23
Perp was angry about person of interest (referred to as cathy o brien,) being exploited and tortured by federal government.  Mock waterboarding.  P.oI. was unaware of this individual but was  aware of being accessed by unknown people .  P.o.i. has reported crimes.  P.o.i. has attempted to block 'the signal'...intent is mental institution or assassin programming by unknowns

 They said I was going to dungeon below and my punishment was that…I had to…I…had…to,” his voiced cracked, “I had to partake in an orgy with people who disturbingly resembled my immediate family.  ”The woman with the cutesy voice passed out into the Ficus, as men in military uniforms kicked in the emergency exit doors spraying with Dewey lemon guns.  While they pummeled and dragged him from the room, Dewey kept screaming about cloaked beings astral travelling through the red portal confiscating his brain for confidential reasons.  The room was amiss for at least five minutes.  Once the woman was revived and the Ficus was set aright, the group found their seats and reconvened.  

“Alright gang, I think I’m okay now.  We have time for one more.  Since Clem will be leaving us later today, let’s end with his dream and call it a day.  A very diminished looking man in his mid-thirties stood up, swatting his mousy brown hair out of his eyes.

 His manner was brusque, and slightly annoyed.  “Name’s Clem Gorky.  I sell shoestrings out of my car.  Used to be a ventriloquist- wasn’t really my thing.  My…fourth or fifth time here in bedlam,” he laughed at shot a glance at the blush woman who looked slightly scolding.  “Anyhow, here’s my dream sequence, part one.  Once I fell asleep, I decided to attend my first TARGETED INDIVIDUALS convention.  I thought I was going to walk into a bunch of Princess Leia’s neck-chained to Jabba’s nutsack, or several full metal jacket tinfoil jarhead schizophrenics jabbering about psychotronic laser tag.

            Instead, I was directed to the anti-torture advocates table where I was offered a free pair of anti-UV light goggles, while a complete stranger recited a complete analysis of my vital signs, including, to my pleasant surprise (mortification) what my pre-cum was stimping at.  It was at a seven.

            Some guy in an all-black suit got all in my face and was like,’-And the restroom is all the way down the hallway to your right, since you were wondering.’

            So, I go, ’How the f--?’



[Attachment prev. 2 infant death in custody] ICE-Mexican Immigrants at southwest border Fed.Case#DDM0N1102FL 7/26/18 after transfer to Tornillo then Homestead children brought to previously incarcerated parents by above date-file extention; 3mo. 

***Sensitive***  Caravan illegals- possible -mid.eastern refugees-traffickers-SWAT present-miltitary at active points of border-arrest any illegals w/ 6 mo. incarc. children/relatives sent to Homestead


He says,’Remote Neural Monitoring.  It’s said to either save the world, or completely revolutionalize crime.’

So, again, I was like, ‘What the f--?’

Dude was like, ‘We can read your mind.’

            “Clem,” The cutesy-voice woman sugarly interrupted, yet, he continued as if he hadn’t heard her.

            ‘Who the f--?’

            ‘Everyone except you, it seems,’ he snarkily chortled.  The dude chortled.  Snarkily.  He thought he heard some of them stifle laughter.



            Lucindra.”  Her nostril flared slightly.

            “Right.  Sorry, sounds so similar, easy to confuse—“

            “I thought,” she sweetly faked, “we agreed no more of that sort of talk.”

            “I thought,” he imitated her, “we were talking about our dreams.  That was my dream.”

            “Always those themes, though, right?  Always when we’re in group?  We can extend your stay a bit if you’re not feeling well, or if you need some more individual attention.”

            He felt his legs wobble, in spite of himself, and dropped into his seat silently.  He thought about how Parabel was probably waiting in the car just outside ready to take him home.

            Blushing cutesy-voice smiled and tilted her head.  “There we go.”

            Never had he hated her more in that moment than he ever had.

            Once group let out, a security officer guard lightly held onto the inside of his bicep and escorted him to check out.  He saw Parabel and her son waiting down the hall, scratched his signature, and headed their way, avoiding the audacity of the blushing bitch calling after him. 

            He squeezed his eyes shut and thought, “I am gonna kill this cunt.”

            Instantly, he was thrown against the wall; his head jarredd so violently that it slammed forward and backward three or more times.  The security officer guard’s voice was in the back of Clem’s neck threatening gruffly, “What did you just say?”

            “I, I didn’t say anything…”

            “Did you just threaten that woman?”

            “No, I didn’t say a fucking word.”

“Watch how you’re talking to me, boy.”

“Okay, sorry.

The officer let him go as the cunt approached.  “Clem, sweetie, I just wanted to wish you luck and let you know that if it gets too difficult or crazy out there for you, you’re always welcome back.”

            He said and thought nothing.  Parabel yelled about the car running and he turned and followed her out. Just as his hand hit the door, the dread of rushing footsteps made him spin around, ready to be drug back in.  It was Dewey.

            “Hey, buddy,” Dewey panted, his still red, watering eyes glancing over his shoulder, “listen, they don’t know I’m out yet.”

            “How are your eyes?”

            “Fine, fine,” he laughed dismissively.  “Clem, listen, remember what we talked about, okay?  No imaginary conversations, no threats, nothing offensive, and I don’t just mean in your head.  Hell, just to be safe, I don’t even pray anymore.”

            “There’s nothing left to pray to, Dewey.”


Illuminati militia- covert Saudi Arabia operation-organized school bus bombing Yemen MK571 bombs supplied by Lockheed Martin- royal family harboring 9/11 pilots-

Inquiry to Director of Homeland Security last May information on troops stationed in Afganistan counterintelligence measures on the uprisings in Saudi Arabia after the murder and dismemberment of Jamal Khasshogi, journalist 10/02/2018, and mass executions of political dissidents.  Cybersecurity compromises 12/29/2018 and 01/17/2019 sources located.  Killings most likely linked to terror cells in Yemen, as well as kidnapping and trafficking of children near these locations[enclosed]. 


            “Aw, hell, Clem, it’s not all like that.  Anyhow, I’ll ‘’ send you some good pamphlets I found about stopping intrusive thoughts and stuff like that.  Now, I like ya, but I don’t want to see you back here, okay?”  He laughed good-naturedly and gave Clem a pat on the back.

            “How much longer are they keeping you?”

            “God knows, buddy, God knows.  I’ve still got all my physics books and projects from my old job to keep me occupied, don’t worry about me.”


Pardon Inquiry from Gregory Winter NSAwhistleblower current CIA agent: espionage, election and international telecommunications, govt corruption,international child sex trafficking,technological torture, government programs; biological experiments.  previous and current connections include Bin Laden family, [Hamza] extremist& Communist contacts.  Frame programs {n.Kor.12/17 KJU missiles}, trafficking and torture; entries involvement of Person of Interest, Gail Allen Torture Waterboarding deleted soc. media entry:Obamas waterboy]


            Clem felt a pang rip in his chest; a cross between anger and tears.  Instead, he attempted a sympathetic smile, and got into the car. 

A neon yellow billboard caught his eye as they drove away.  “What the hell is that?”

“Some new thing they got going on.  Taking all the loonies out of their bins and making a show out of it, like a circus or whatever.”

“Like a circus…”

“Yeah.  Exhibits, tricks, and all that, I guess.  Kids get in for free and there’s rides and games and stuff, so I was thinking about going if I didn’t have to work.” [


CHAPTER TWO:  Taming the Iguana

Mozart was streaming from the little booth far removed from all of the other exhibits.  The set up was rickety and dusty, lingering on the brink of Vaudeville if it weren’t so cartoonish and crass. 


The person of interest under government surveillance- Social Media flagged posts possible bomb and terrorist threats-

Actual terrorism and bomb occurrences investigated as to if person of interest is responsible for the attacks and linked to terrorist or extremist groups.

After unilateral investigations,this agency believes foreign terror groups and hostile spies are accessing American public via technological espionage, and certain agents and political figures are aiding.

1992 MIhor Hotel Bombing-  Osama Bin Laden-  reference to child exploitation Catherine OBrien1229Smith-

1992 Unitaf- Somalia deaths of children 12-9-92-  Korea, twitter

1993WTC Attacks

1997 Yehuda Marketplace bombing- symbolic attack virginity- life event of POS under age 18- accessed by al-Quaeda. 

It was told that an old eccentric who called himself an alchemist and part-time iguana tamer retrieved top secret military devices on the black market for his own experiments on nights spent tucked away in his dingy shack.




subs, directed enegy weapons, haarp, remote neural monitoring(information processing), simulate emotions and thoughts, look here, move limbs, subconscious programming, synthetic dreams, hertz, extra low frequncy, very low frequency, satellites, electronic terrorism, electromagnetic, microwaves, beams/;asers, advanced surveillence tech, drones, stealth, forced abortions and miscarriages, military radar, create phsiological responses to cause emotional reactions and vice versa, kinesiology, neural, functional electrical stimulation.


brainwashing, attempt at loss of identity thorugh role playing, programming, synthetic thoughts and emotions;  control, organized gand stalking(shame), gathering of informtion (exposure, blackmail, threats, exacerbate traumas, sleeping inception, control how information is processed(sleep, senses, environment), simulate emotions, overload with stress to subdue, false or over-accuse, psychological invalidation.


organized gang stalking, reinforcement through tinnitis or information processing tactics, street theater


survival mode mindset(easier to control),social exposure (no privacy=slavery) sexual abuse, assault, exploitaion, trafficking, slavery, synthetic feelings on body, sexual torture, systematic destabilization, pain, overload with stress, isolation, create choas, conflict, loss of family, friends, job.  Depression, rage, anxiety, complex post traumatic stress disorder, hostage, POW, Stockholm Syndrome, trauma based mind control, Monarch cult tactics, programming, Satanic ritual abuse


Above his podium were signs reading, ‘Telepathy is possible,’ and ‘Subliminally control, break-down, and defeat your enemies.’  Fliers were passed around to the packed crowd about the alchemist, his background, his empirically-tested experiments and how the community could be safer and more orderly if everyone were to participate. ‘It is my belief, that these tools could bring humanity to a new height, evolutionally.  There will be no limits, no boundaries on the access of the human mind.  What the greatest religions and philosophies have named the interconnectedness of all things will be finally possible, uniting human beings instead of separating us.  Once and for all, we will reach the apex of our potential.



MK Ultra, Dissociative Identity Disorders, Dissidents, spies:

  Delta programming experimentation on drug addicted homeless as exposure to triggers and stimuli, synthetic mood dis. symptoms, and auditory hallucinations, persecutory delusions.  Tinnitus, electrical shocks, subliminal processing, thoughts televised, disorientation. 


A very large iguana was perched upon the podium, glaring at the audience while his owner spoke.  “…and it is a very complicated, a very prolonged process when attempting to mentally break-down a living organism.  This sort of deterioration brings about severe instability and unpredictability throughout, yet is absolutely crucial for evil-doers and those who refuse to comply.”  The iguana hopped onto his shoulder.  “Iguanas are the most difficult creatures to tame, I have found in my experiments.  They are masters of adaptation.  Every cell in their bodies alter in order to survive their environments.  Human beings are different in many ways, which you will witness shortly in the upcoming demonstrations.  They key though with people is to introduce or induce fear or pain.


Journalists, Occupy Wall Street, Freedom of Information Act, Prevention, Anarchists, Homeland Security, Black Panthers, *person of interest*, Covert Operations, Enticement, Black Lives Matter, Terrorism Code 113B:

We are on the brink of nuclear war.  Weapons of mass destruction have evolved from the apocalyptic crumbling ruins of old targets and test sites to an invisible, undetectable holocaust.

Diplomacy seems a soft option to most, yet, I believe that diplomacy could and should be used as tool for national security.  Making it known that we are only one small part of the global community while endorsing ways to disable nuclear and radiological weapons should be of utmost importance.  Countries that possess these weapons should be made our allies, not our enemies.  The United States of America should continually make efforts to assure the rest of the world that we respect and adhere to international law and expect to be tried if we commit atrocities against humanity.  Innocent people should not suffer due to corrupt serial killers and dictators.  Cooperation can be achieved when all countries agree to face the same consequences, regardless of wealth or weaponry.

I have recently come across classified FBI documents of a MANIFESTOof a person of interest and believe the individual should be monitored, blacklisted, could be a threat to national security.  The MANIFESTO terrorist:  These groups are formed when there is no other way to defend against political violence, when the oppressed are under attack from a corrupt system, they have no other choice but to attack back…”

  We will hand the documents over to military psy ops dept., PRISM, and special programs and interrogation units.  (Also note, I received the interrogation status from the director about the prisoners in Thailand Black Sites)


When we attempt to break down a human being, there are a few things to consider.  First, the mental health starting point.  Is the person regressing or advancing?  Obviously we use techniques and tools to exacerbate regression, and impede progress.

Secondly, we find one’s breaking point then develop methods to accelerate the process.  Some of my personal favorites by the way of methods are public shaming and systematic dehumanization.  This includes making the most personal, private human needs and functions available for public exposure and scrutiny.  Urination and defecation, masturbation and sex, thoughts, sleep are not off-limits and can be accessed by the public.  From this, a sort of calculated infantilization occurs, which is, in essence, is regression, the goal. 

Third, we call their integrity into question, we call them liars, we dig up their pasts, their secrets and covertly blackmail them with this information.  We criminalize perverse, strange, abnormal thoughts and behaviors that are otherwise harmless, for, who among us does not think evil thoughts which contradict who we really are?  That is not the point, however in the process.  What is normal is abnormal, what is abnormal is criminal and will be punished.  Again, fear is crucial.

“Fourth, we replace the individual’s ever-changing reality with mixed messages, blatant untruths.  What was once impossible is now possible.  They are in shock, they are paranoid.  Scared, uninformed people are the easiest to manipulate and control.

“Fifth, we ask for volunteers.  We get as many people involved as possible to further exacerbate a growing level of paranoia and unreality.  They begin to doubt and lose trust in the own judgements and perceptions.  Also, if there are a large number of people involved, the person will experience a growing pressure to conform, to surrender themselves to the greater good.




Special Op.-Sgt. Detrius Weiler:

Assassination of Osama Bin Laden- OBrien of Navy Seals- previous arrangement with O.B. Laden and Pakistani govt. 5/14/10 to further A.J.O.B ppd.  Seizure signed by Barack Hussein Obama 2/12/11, witnessed by K. Bolvac and T. Wilson- 3 casualties, 2 survivors relocated to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


“Sixth, this is the point in the process that is crucial for our side.  We must have physical proof that the target deserves these levels of scrutiny and surveillance.  They are unstable mentally, they are violent, they are a danger to themselves and others- yet we need evidence.  The ways that we evoke these behaviors are from the previously mentioned methods and techniques:  violation of privacy, public shaming and exposure, systematic dehumanization and infantilization.  The key is for it all to remain undetectable, under the radar, to provoke the person by making it seem that it is an innate danger and instability of the targeted individual rather than from our group. 


FBI file of target 8281979

William F Cotterman 97th Bomb Squad,229 Weiler Homes-Wife Catherine Clara (Garn), 3 (1deceased age 17)children- Served Fort Biggs, Texas and WHite Sands& Acoma,  New Mexico, Mechanic.  Death Gen. Carcinoma

Michael Sawaya, Medic WW2, Purple Heart- Bush St. Toledo OH- Wife Norma (Paeth) deseased 7/4/76- 2 children (1 deceased 1/17/2008)  Arrested 1978 near New Jersey, illegal transport of explosives, manufacturing and distribution of explosives [case dismissed due to illegal search]-

Martin G. Sawaya arrested for sale of cocaine 1991, human trafficking 1999.

Sam Sawaya 16 years for trafficking, Mansfield OH.  Attempted jailbreak with two other inmates, apprehended, additional 12 years to original sentence.  Owner of Spice Bar, Bennett Rd, Toledo OH.  Deceased.

George Sawaya Rocky15 years(?) trafficking, illegal gambling, associated with Thomas Licavoli, Purple Gang, Owner of Rockys Bar, Toledo OH.  Deceased.

Other family members:  Investigated for militia association and request of military assistance of WMD 12/19/15 while target stayed in family home.  Evidence of military grade technology aimed at target while asleep- shortness of breath, sweating.  Target reported to various local and federal law enforcement agencies over a two year period.  [file under mental illness] 

“Who could withstand being monitored in one’s own home, one’s own mind?  Stripped of their humanity, of basic human needs and privacy, who would not react with fear, anger and violence?  Who could resist surrendering to a more powerful mass?  Who could keep their sense of self intact, keep their religions, maintain a concise sense of right and wrong?  Not many, in fact, I have actually known none, in all the years I have conducted these experiments.  Each person is different.  Each breaks at his or her own pace, some more quickly than others.  No matter, they will change regardless.  Even the strongest ones are damaged in one way or another.”

Several audience members raised their hands, but most were entranced. 

The iguana tamer drew a dramatic breath and took the reptile into his arms gazing into the creature’s eyes.  “Now what does all of this have to do with iguanas? “  He exhaled sentimentally, set the iguana down, cantered across the stage and turned up the classical music.

The man is insane or pure evil

look there, thoughts, movement, pain, emotions, icks, dreams,disorientation while driving stress destabilization.

seances to make a person’s thoughts heard in the trees, sky, creepy, weird little imps.

Supernatural powers:

sees through structures, x ray vision, mind reading, accessing trauma.



If you tell, you will die.

A pudgy middle aged woman with a large nose and dark circles under her eyes that were even visible to the audience was wheeled as the scientist conducted an imaginary orchestra.  “Ah, yes, here is one of my favorite cases,” he began, “number eight-two-eight-thirteen, she has been one of the most difficult, yet…we have been victorious.

 Supposedly a background of domestic violence, supposedly history of sexual abuse, etc., etc.,” he was rolling his eyes, and his hands, “which, in our case, helped us immensely.  So, with this this advantage, a head start, we will call it,  we broke into her dreams then planted synthetic dreams and thoughts as an attempt to make her believe they originated from her own psyche.  We re-created incidents of childhood trauma, attempted to trigger mental, as well as, body memories of sexual trauma.  We used direct energy weapons on her genital and anal regions mostly, but also in various other areas that pertained to the messages we were trying to convey.  We had one team who monitored her night and day within her own home.  She shit herself three times, she wears false teeth, her tits look like she’s ninety years old, she has cellulite and a double chin, etc., etc.  We covertly made all of this information public and available for the public to access and participate.


  When she tried to cover herself, we upped the exposure even more, made a game of it.  Because all of her past sexual trauma was being triggered, many sexual dysfunctions occurred.  Sexual dysfunctions, disturbing responses we named arousal, which, really,” he winked to the crowd and chuckled, “which really was repulsion and panic most likely.  We deemed her abusive husband, whom she resided with at the time, a hero, in fact, he really helped us more than he knows.  She went to him to help her, tried to explain what was happening but he did not believe her because everything we were doing to her remained undetectable.  So he called her crazy, a schizophrenic, paranoid delusional, threatened to call the police and the mental ward, to have her child taken from her, said she was talking to walls, and of course people couldn’t see inside their house.  We got the community involved and we prevailed.”

A man from the audience stood up and angrily approached the stage, “What the hell is wrong with you?”  he squinted.  “Why the fuck would you do that to this woman?”

“You, sir, are looking at a dangerous woman.”

“You’re the ones who are fucking dangerous.”

“She is insane, unfit for society.”

UNITED STATES PATENT #7874598276423089768


Positive symptoms of Schizophrenia:

Excesses of thought, emotion, and behavior; delusions; disorganized thinking and speech; heightened perceptions and hallucinations; inappropriate affect.

ENVIRONMENTAL OR TECHNOLOGICAL EXPLANATION:  Remote neural monitoring, beams that simulate emotions, thoughts, affect heartrate.  Functional electronic stimulation, L-RAD.

Negative symptoms of Schizophrenia:

Deficiencies of thought, motion and behavior.  Disorientation.

ENVIRONMENTAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, OR OTHER EXPLANATIONS:  PTSD, C-PTSD, effects of torture and abuse, elf, beams.


Delusions of persecution: plotted or discriminated against, spied on, slandered, threatened, attacked, or deliberately victimized.

Delusions of reference:  they attach special meaning to actions, objects, or events.

Delusions of grandeur:  believe themselves to be saviors, inventors, especially powerful people.

ENVIRONMENTAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, OR OTHER EXPLANATIONS:  Organized gang stalking, covert harassment, remote neural monitoring, false tinnitus (reinforcement), street theater.

TACTILE AND SOMATIC HALLUCINATIONS:  Burning, tingling, electronic shock, something happening inside the body.

ENVIRONMENTAL, TECHNOLOGICAL, OTHER EXPLANATIONS:  Directed energy weapons, HAARP, electronic harassment, beams.

“Then get her some help.”

The scientist laughed and shook his head.  “There is no helping this one.  Here, let me demonstrate.”  She turned to the woman.  “Tell the gentleman why you are here.”

She suddenly looked frantic and tried to inch toward the man.  “Everyone in this city has a hole in the back of my head.  I don’t participate, I do, however, believe it all started with a poet.  I dream pirated radio stations stealing information christened communication.  I am much more direct.  I am not for public use. 


Concentration Camp Experiments

CIA funded elite forces deactivate plane circuitry+ crash 20 mi. outside Anchorage, Operation Dredge, assistance to foreign militias to destabilize the American Federal Government:  remote guidance and radiation 20hz Syrian POWs ordered after the bombing of Shayrat (Op. Adam & Eva) 50mi. South of Homs.  Exposure to biological.weapons: heart palpitations, tumors, chest pain, wheezing, sweating, typical TESLA symp., diarrhea, lethargy.  50 casulties, 12 survivors. 

None of us are.  I am a hostage of more than my own deprivation.  Even the universe has betrayed me.”  She began to cry.  “Get them out of me, block the signal, burn them, drop them from a burning atmosphere.  All I’ve ever wanted, even more than the truth, is to love and be loved, to not be harmed.  The trap is always fucking set.  They are called MK Ultra.  They are a terrorist organization, they—“

The alchemist grabbed the back of her chair and moved her center stage.  “That’s quite enough now.”  He looked at the man in the audience.  “Completely mad.  And so we begin.

“We have made some recent discoveries, scientifically, that , as I stated before, will bring us even closer our fullest potential.  First, I can make this woman do whatever I want her to do with this.”  He held up what appeared to be a television remote.  “Simple, it appears at first, but let’s see what we can do with her.”  He walked about ten feet from the woman. 


the person of interest and family linked with bombings, mass shootings, riots, protests, and terrorism for nearly six decades have reported to several agencies, antitrafficking organizations since 2017, access [spying] to self, child, others, home.  Hidden Way, Washington D.C. must be altered in leiu of potential lawsuits.  We are unaware of the number of citizens with access, yet feel that we have spread a feeling of fear amongst both foreign and domestic hacks, or a sense of religious or revolutionary purpose for most.  Most fear they are involved in some sort of sex trafficking, terrorist, or espionage rings.  The following since WACO, TX 1992 (D.Koresh) FRAME UPS have been used on  person of interest 82879, and enclosed below are projected programs for the future:

Stars and Stripes Popcorn:  Involvement of the Black Panthers, special Trenton coffee drink.

Uprisings in Saudi Arabia

Dayton Race Aryan Knights March

2016 No Person is Illegal Immigration

Ted Talks Hamza Bin Laden Blacklisted 1-5-17

Hells Angels guard of Muslim Mosque in Ausralia

December 2017 North Korea Missile Threat

Functional Electrical Stimulation:  Thoughts, behaviors, in public, in home.

Sleepers:  COINTELPRO anti nuclear groomed and internationally commercially sex trafficked children; homicide threats to government perpetrators, electronic harassment and kill list of sleepers.  Sythetic paranoia. 


“Say if I wanted her to look over at the podium, and there are large monitors that you can all can see it up close, I press this button, and invisibly, and due to a lot of science and physics yuck,” there was a pause as he lifted the remote and  pressed the button, “she looks at the podium.” 

On the overhead projector screens everyone was watching up close the woman’s face.  The scientist paused, then said, “aaaand, she looks at the podium.”  The woman’s eyes moved to the podium and instantly looked away.”  He sighed, “Ah yes, the difficult one.”  He spoke to the crowd graciously, “So sorry, it will only be a moment.”  He walked to the back of the stage, calling behind the curtains.  “Jimmy, yes, come out, we need a hand.  Not complying again.”  The man held up what looked like a TV remote and pointed it at the woman.  She jumped in her seat and grimaced, “Ow, ow, ow…” 


relocate docs after proof:


Former President George W. Bush under investigation for treason; possible prior knowledge and failure to stop 9/11/01 attacks.  The use of remote neural monitoring and weekly intelliegence reports during alqaedas plan have been verified.  Warnings daily of the approaching and increasing threats from Bin Laden after the 2000 presidential election, as well as, less severe attacks were acknowlegded, yet not pursued.  

 “We will give her just a moment…”

The woman gazed at the far wall, as a security officer and rescue crew rushed her briefly to check her pulse.  The scientist continued to answer questions from the crowd, ‘And you, yes, gentleman with the scarf.”

“What did that guy Jimmy do to her with that remote thing?”

“We use several tools, actually, in order to get some of our patients to settle down, we find that pain is the most effective method, unfortunate but necessary.  We have had our very own doctors and law officials research and approve them, there is maybe the sensation of a misquito bite, but some are more sensitive than others, but we are not responsible, nor could we ever actually know how they will react.  These methods have been around for many, many years, previously conspiracy theories and recently declassified.  I will go over it more in depth in the upcoming presentation, but since you asked, a quick answer would be that we use Direct Energy Weapons, and HAARP energy.  Too complex, of course,” he slightly laughed, “to explain now.  Mostly, we attack the nerve endings, and there are a myriad of feelings that occur.  Some patients have reported feeling quick, sharp stings.  Others have experienced deep, throbbing aches, some accompanied by sharpness, ummm… there have been burning sensations, a tingling, almost as if your arm ‘falls asleep’, as it they call it.  We can replicate muscle spasms anywhere on the body.


  We are currently working on new technology that basically makes the remote holder a sort of puppeteer, meaning that , by the push of a button, I can make your arm move.  I could make your leg kick.  And there are,” he glanced backward conspiratorally then back at the man again, “I can make you talk.”“There’s no way, that is impossible.”

“We thought so also initially, but research is still in progress for those, very advanced, very anticipated toys.” 

“Why are you doing this to people?”

He glanced back to the woman again, “I think we may continue now with the show.  Do remember that there is a raffle contest, face painting, and goodies for the kids.”


REFRESH:::Bombing of Aso Rock, Nigeria.  ADAM OBrien predetermined dates: 6/10, 8-12-09,12-9-99 -COINTELPRO PIZZAGATE-  OP> Crawling EYE.  {UNITAF92-CISA} KJUN  groom$traffik .Virtual/Assassin programming :Klebold Hussein para.schizo /govt kill list- mother. father unknown- Aero. military radar.  LEVEL: Interntl.  signed.  A.B. McCob


FAKE WARS prevention of riots and uprisings to silence dissenters, activists.  Research all articles in media associated with these events:

SHAYRAT BOMBING, SYRIA 2017.  [adam and eva]






race war, black panthers, racial slurs, florida keys, ops. relating to ICE, white nationalists, illuminazis, militia

As 2017 came to a close, the Director of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, in his speech addressed the world about the condition of humanity, described a scene where the state of human suffering and crimes against humanity were counteracting  any improvements made despite efforts of  media, humanitarian aide, celebrity sponsors, and the indomitable heroics of peace workers around the world.  Atrocity and death wreaked havoc; war crimes, slavery, genocide, rape against women and children were ignored, if not altogether supplied by corrupt leaders.

  Peace scholars attempt to determine whether the violence at the root of these wars is direct, structural, or cultural.  While direct violence requires the intention to do harm to person or group of people, structural violence causes harm by normalizing inequality, thereby inhibiting one’s ability to actualize their potential.  Cultural violence stems “most significantly from religion, ideology, cosmology, but also from the arts and sciences (Afzaal).  By identifying the type of violence present, diplomatic responses can be implemented to resolve each conflict.

Direct Violence:  The Bombing of Syria 2017

After the Syrian regime released chemical weapons upon its civilians, “US warships launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at the airbase that was home to the warplanes that carried out the chemical attacks ( on April 6, 2017.  Nine civilians were also killed in the attack, including four children.  SANA also stated that five of the civilians were killed in the village of Shayrat,[47] outside the base, while another four were killed in the village of Al-Hamrat, and that another seven civilians were wounded when a missile hit homes in Al-Manzul”  (  Trump’s claim was that the US counterattack was initiated to defend the Syrian people.

While many politicians and military personnel initially approved of the action taken by Donald Trump, others questioned the sudden and severe response.  In New York, protesters from “the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER)  Coalition…called the US assertion that the Syrian government carried out attacks on its own people “unsubstantiated” and demanded investigation” (Keith)


Investigation for treason of the United States government, the president of the United states for the 2000 preseidential election, the start of the 2003 Iraq war and the refusal to prevent [and possible involvement of the above stated] the September11, 2001 attacks. 

Our agency has ample intelligence to believe that what us gov was naming espionage and communism, was actually the public employing technology to gain access to top secret gov information.   The increasing awareness of the crimes against humanity and war crimes the us gov and military were committing against the american public; much like the exploitative and secretive nature of the Catholic priest scandals of mass child molestation and cover ups within the church , the us gov and military were using military radar, radiological weapons, lazers, functional elecrtical motor stimulation, performing unlawful, unauthorized experiments on unaware citizens, in order to groom for commercial sex trafficking in the name of NATIONAL SECURITY.  Our agency believes that not only are these considreed treasonous and ///// crimes, but that this mass child exploitaiton and trafficking, and unlawful, unwarranted surveillence of the american public were the motives for the 9/11 attacks. 

The American public became aware of these issues because of the now de-classified MKUltra documents, reports of human experimentation of victims, as well as the infiltration of gov. and military systems.

A list will be provided of the correlation of the role the CIA played in supplying the media, telecommunications, movie production companies with private access to certain children and families [for reasons presently unclear as to how they were chosen to be exploited] and the profits gained from these ventures.

To make matters more complicated, it was discovered recently that the chemicals used in the attacks were supplied by North Korea.  “…evidence uncovered more than 40 unreported shipments from the hermit state to various shell companies operated by Syria’s chemical weapons programme” (Tarrant-Cornish).

Structural Violence:  Crimes Against Humanity

Even after satellite photos of, what may as well be called concentration camps, surfaced, the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un denied incarcerating millions of political prisoners in a cruel system that would span for two or more generations to come.  Trigger-happy, and almost giddy, he appeared on the news testing nuclear missiles, keeping global nations held hostage, possibly on the brink of WW3.

Kim Jong Un’s track record shows some of the worst violations of crimes against humanity in history.  The people of this isolated, shrouded nation are starved, relentlessly exposed to propaganda by the government, deprived of electricity, often denied the right to leave the country, and subjected to severe retribution if they speak out against the regime.  The Kim dynasty represents the national religion, as all religious rights are prohibited. 

Satellite photos have revealed what the North Korean leader has long denied.  As many as twenty five camps are operating, and escaped prisoner, Shin Dong-Hyuk  and former prison guard, Lim Hye-jin have appeared publically with physical scars, health ailments and testimony of the unspeakable conditions of the camps.  Fatalities possibly surpass those of the Nazi Holocaust.

The Living Dead

“Eritrean youths are being kidnapped by senior military officers, smuggled into Sudan and held to ransom, according to a report by Dutch and Swedish researchers. The captives are threatened with being sold to people traffickers if they do not raise tens of thousands of dollars. Some are freed if they raise the ransoms. Others are sold on to Bedouin traffickers in Sinai, even after money has changed hands, only to be tortured to extract further cash from their relatives.”  (The

all perps mccabe, gina, mueller, clinton, bush, obama, locals, celebs pizzagate sutton

            Over one million children every year are being forced to perform oral, anal, vaginal sex.  These children are fondled or made to fondle another child’s or an adult’s genitalia, are directed to pose nude, take part in sex acts by themselves or with other children, and/or adults in photographs and film.  A significant portion of the time, children take part in these acts anywhere from one, to twenty times or more every single day. 

Under U.S. law, human trafficking is defined as “sex trafficking in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such act has not attained 18 years of age,”

or “the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, or obtaining of a person for labor or services, through the use of force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of subjection to involuntary servitude, peonage, debt bondage, or slavery” (

Significant steps have been taken by anti-trafficking advocates, federal and local law enforcement, human rights defenders, as well as people around the world to combat the epidemic of child sexual slavery for profit.

The Immediate Situation:  Supply and Demand

"We have a big picture, but it is impressionistic and lacks depth. We fear the problem is getting worse, but we can not prove it for lack of data, and many governments are obstructing", he admitted. The head of UNODC therefore called on governments and social scientists to improve information-gathering and -sharing on human trafficking.  "If we do not overcome this knowledge crisis we will be fighting the problem blindfolded", he warned.  (

Child sex trafficking (…victims have diverse ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, varied levels of education, and may be documented or undocumented”  ( .  Most times, they have a history of abuse, addiction, and are runaways.  Sex traffickers see these wounds as a way to fill the void of the love these children are lacking through manipulation and violence to create and control sex slaves for profit.  Much like Battered Women Syndrome, the ties to the trafficker combine what the child views as love and caring, with violence.  Kidnapping, smuggling, and force are also used, yet many instances are through coercion, the need for money or drugs, gang affiliation, or an idealization of that lifestyle.  

Asking Prices for Crimes Related to Human Trafficki

Patterns:  Why is Child Sex Trafficking Getting Worse?

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, human trafficking is the second fastest growing crime in the country and is on the rise in cities and towns in all 50 states…”  ( 

From 2014 to 2016 instances of sex trafficking increased by over 2,500.  There were a total of 18,158 victims, “2,387 of the reported victims were minor.”  (

 Only a small percentage of violators of child sex trafficking are arrested and seldom are they prosecuted.  The selling of children cost some traffickers life sentences, and for a few, the death penalty.  The traffickers smuggle children under the shroud of secrecy and violence while technology makes  it even easier to remain anonymous beneath the watchful eyes of the authorities and concerned citizens.

            Poverty is named as one of the most significant factors that contributes to the cycle of sex trafficking.  Where there are no other means of employment, sex trafficking seems like the only option for not only the victims, but for the families who, in financial desperation, sometimes sell their own children.  In some cases, this form of employment is multi-generational.

With the way technology progresses, it is not surprising that criminals would use new and improved ways to encrypt their communications when selling children for sex.  The buyers also have a better chance of remaining unidentifiable when viewing child pornography.  

…suspects in question are accused of paying to see children being abused online, in what the NCA [National Crime Agency] describes as "significant and emerging threat," particularly in the developing world. Payments totaled more than £37,500 ($61,268)…and greater internet connectivity have made it easier to exploit children for cash.”  (

Conflict Transformation: Long and Short-Term Changes in Sex Trafficking

“Trafficking victims also commonly blame themselves for what has happened to them, which can stop them from seeking help.”  (

The United Nations is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of trafficking cases worldwide.  “Prevention, protection, prosecution” ( are the fundamentals of their strategy on these offenses.  The “criminalization” of this form of exploitation is crucial to not only removing traffickers from society, but keeping them incarcerated for decades.

Many survivors of trafficking do not have the resources to thrive independently.  Donations help to, not only, meet their immediate survival needs, but ensure they get started on a new path toward better job and educational options.  Over one and a half million dollars has been collected by the United Nations for survivors of modern-day slavery.

human eperimentation: review for

Laws and policies must continue to be applied to eradicate the elusive methods and advancements of child sex trafficking.  Perpetrators should face lifetime, high-security maximum control prison sentences while victims should receive resources to help them recover from experiencing multiple rapes and beatings on a daily basis.  Survivors should also be offered mental health and/or addiction services, as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the most common ailment of sex trafficking victims.  Shelters and safe houses should be open to these victims for as long as it takes them to heal. 

Anti-Trafficking Laws Since 2000:

RICO was created to be a tool for the federal government to more effectively prosecute members of organized crime for racketeering offenses.  Federal human trafficking offenses are included as racketeering offenses, thus giving law enforcement a powerful tool when prosecuting traffickers. 

The Mann Act of 1910, (18 U.S.C. § 2421-2424 

One of the leading anti-slavery organizations in the country, Polaris is an organization where victims and witnesses of modern-day slavery can report crime.  Identifying signs of grooming and trafficking in victims and perpetrators, access to legal, housing, psychological services, and survivor stories are also available.



Other modern-day abolitionists such as Kevin Bales, author of Disposable People, Blood and Earth:  Modern Slavery, Genocide, and the Secret to Saving the World, and The Slave Next Door:  Human Trafficking and Slavery in America Today, has implemented the use of satellite imagery for locating evidence of sex trafficking used to prosecute offenders.  Improved data collection techniques are making it easier to track progress in the global drive to end slavery, and better measure the crime in rich countries where slaves are often hidden, thinly spread and harder to monitor, he said.”  (

A Victim-Centered Approach

In the victim-centered approach to child sex trafficking, the child, must be given the means to grow back into the child they were before the rapes and the violence began. Trusted professionals in the medical and mental health fields must restore a sense of humanity to the small person who was treated like they were a product. 

The monsters who sell children should be removed from society long-term.  While the journey of a survivor of child sex trafficking may be more time and money consuming, we owe it to that child to, not only, atone for our failure to protect them, but provide resources and support for any steps taken in the direction of  healing .

Even after they escape the clutches of the people traffickers, the Eritreans are not safe. In 2012 the Israeli government adopted an anti-infiltration law – using a term normally reserved for Palestinians attempting to enter the country. This definition has been extended to African migrants, and since July 2012 refugees and asylum seekers entering Israel have been detained. A new fence has been built along the Israel-Egyptian border in Sinai, and groups of Eritrean survivors of torture huddle against it, unable to proceed.



Attn: Leut.Adrian Kowalski [registered] East Harbor, Chesterville, Illinois

Apprehension  of sleepers [intnl. child targets]-US funded and supplied  Bacha Bazi child sex slaves on a rape list to terror groups based out of Sri Lanka to dismantle ISIS in Indonesia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan- child slaves relocated to Afghanistan[central ISIS homebase]

anonymous, black panthers ,black lives matter


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